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DEV TEAM: AT&T Sending Text Messages to Update your iOS ! It's Trap ! [Warning]

Pay your attention please, in case you are one of AT&T users, you may have received this message early this morning notifying you that your FW need to be updated to iOS 4.2. And as most of you know, iOS 4.2.1 is still not unlockable on iPhone 4 and it's jailbreak is still tethered.

So the iPhone Dev Team is warning all iPhone users who rely on unlock or jailbreak to keep away and ignore this message until they push their unlock for iPhone 4 and comex's untethered jailbreak for new-generation devices

Below is the text message sent to AT&T users:
AT&T Free Msg: An important software update is available for your iPhone. To update to iOS 4.2, connect to iTunes and follow the instructions.


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